
Read a Good Book to Get Your Program Started

Dramatic weight loss is possible with the right routines and practices. I lost 40 pounds in 5 months to drop below my previous before pandemic weight of 185 pounds to 160 pounds.

Dramatic weight loss is often difficult so there are more gentle ways by incorporating a good meal plan. Nonetheless, calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, lots of water plus other practices help defeat the number one enemy-the metabolism.

Exercise gives weight loss support, allows more calories to be consumed, and is crucial once the target weight is reached.

Buy the E-Book now on Amazon $2.99 and Paperback for $6.95

Surfing is one of the most physically demanding full body sports. When you are fit to surf, you can do most anything.

It entails building upper body strength, flexibility, aerobic fitness, and a lean body. This book tells you how to do it all.

Beginner surfers and people who have been sedentary need to do everything in a comprehensive program to be fit. It all can be started gradually and developed into prime fitness.

Buy E-Book on Amazon for $2.99 and Paperback for $6.95

Many doctors and specialists suggest losing 10% to 15% of your body weight is sufficient to reverse Metabolic Diseases like diabetes. Belly fat is the precursor to many diseases along with an unhealthy life style.

Lose 30 Pounds and begin an exercise routine to compliment a healthy eating plan. Once a person has diabetes, they have insulin resistance.

This occurs mostly from too many carbohydrates. They are not the healthy carbohydrates like fruit and vegetables. They are the sugary and white flour foods that cause the Beta Cells in the Pancreas to over work.

A new routine causes weight loss and may prevent the next series of problems such as heart attacks, strokes, neuropathy, cognitive decline, vision problems, and kidney failure.

Buy E-Book on Amazon for $2.99 and Paperback for $6.95


Get 3 books in one. This includes The 3 Week Plan, Get Fit to Surf, and the Learn to Surf Guide. All three are important for the aspiring surfer not in shape yet and for anyone wanting to get fit for recreation.

The surfer wants lean muscle which requires losing weight. He wants upper body, lower body, and core strength. He needs flexibility and aerobic stamina.

Anyone can start with one goal or all of them. This book introduces the starting plans to reach optimum fitness and fun,

Buy E-Book on Amazon for $2.99 and Paperback for $6.95

This is my most popular surf book in the U.S. and Europe. It is a guide from beginner to advanced on surfing techniques.

Surfers start riding in foam waves and progress to real waves after mastering the beginner techniques.

There is a lot to learn by practicing and being patient. It takes judgement and courage to advance. They both come with time. As an 11 year Surf Instructor, I learn what beginners have to learn.

Buy the E-Book on Amazon for $2.99 and the Paperback for $6.95