Categories: Thriving

How Our Narrative Impedes Wealth Building

Most of us tell ourselves a story about how the world works. We can call that our narrative. Our brain takes in more information from our senses than we can process and remain sane. We start filtering out most of it when we are young and psychologists say we have formed our personality by the time we are 14 years old. We have our world view.

From then on, most of us start filtering out information except for that which reinforces our world view. If women think men are bad or men think women are evil, they will only take in information that supports that view and argue the point to their death.

If we think the world gets in our way of prosperity, we could take one of two paths. We could overcome that view and prove it wrong, or we could continually find information that supports that view. We become victims. We become prisoners to our point of view.

Finding the World of Personal Development

Shane Krider is an entrepreneur that through personal development started discovering that the fact he was stuck in a career of installing car stereos with an abusive boss was due to the fact his narrative told him this is what he deserved and he couldn’t do better. His story is not unlike maybe billions of people’s stories.

It takes personal development to see the light and how we can get out of the narrative that keeps us pinned down to the belief we can’t have the life of our dreams. We look around at other people’s realities, those that are having fantastically successful and wonderful lives and think, I couldn’t do that.

Krider’s organization Prosperity of Life does take people through the personal development process on how to make this transformation. How do we go from the prisoner mentality to the form a new world view? How do we move from concluding that we are stuck to the vision of us living our dreams?

Personal Transformation

It takes a personal transformation for this to happen because we get stuck in our world view and a lifetime of defending it and pushing it on others. We like our world view because it gives us comfort and rationalizes why we are where we are. We love evidence that proves us right and will normally ignore or resist evidence that says it doesn’t have to be this way.

Affirmations are one way people try to escape their world view. They form mantras to help them pull themselves up. They daily picture a different world for themselves. They may use affirmations for many purposes. Some people think they are useless and others live by them. The 12-step program for alcoholics is a form of creating the strength to fight addiction.

We do become addicted to our point of view. One of the ways to escape our narrative is to understand what it is. We have to recognize what we tell ourselves that reinforces our being stuck. We can usually trace how our narrative has influenced our decisions over the years.

We can at any point decide to escape our narrative and form a new one. We can decide and envision a new world and life for ourselves and create the daily affirmations that reinforces our viewpoint until we have successfully created the vision.

You may or may not think this is possible or true. That will be another decision you make.


If you have an interest in exploring the world Shane Krider has created for thousands of individuals, take a minute to view It might be an opportunity for you to make a dramatic switch in how your life is transpiring.

If you would like a speaker for your organization to bring some motivation, you might consider me a solution at


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