
Speaking for teams, meetings, or large audiences can be instructive, motivational and life changing.

Most workers get stuck in routines that do not optimize their powers and are too often focused on survival rather than thriving. Fulfilling the obligations to keep organizations running is usually the point of salaries and bonuses. Performing above standard is expected of crucial positions to fulfill the Mission and gain a competitive edge.

Workers now too often are feeling their lives are being sacrificed in the process. Jucinda Ardent the New Zealand Prime Minister who resigned after 6 years said I gave it everything but now I am out of energy. Is this what happens to us? We give it everything and show great resilience to obstacles but in the process our life juices are slowly getting squeezed out.

The Thriving worker approaches life with a more comprehensive approach to build sustainability. The right behaviors and daily habits can build energy and stamina to provide peak performances and a life that supports continuing contribution. Employers are worried about worker burn out, lack of engagement, and always looking for better opportunities.

Help the worker get educated on the processes that will enlighten them on how to build a career and a life. They can learn how to ask for the support they need to feel fulfilled and purposeful. An organization with thriving workers should be thriving. Teach them how to build fulfilling and purposeful lives that align with organization goals and Mission.

Thriving Workers and thriving organizations have mutual interests and can learn to support each other’s goals. Let a live presentation outline the process for workers to find their path in self-actualization to the benefit of themselves and their employer.

Live Presentations start at $500 plus travel and accommodations. Book a 20 minute Free discussion on your interest. 442-288-3364