
Employers are seeking processes and solutions to support workers wanting to thrive in the work and personal lives.

Thriving is a whole life state of feeling purpose and knowing why you are here. It is fueled by the opportunity to pursue passions and make a contribution. Time management to fit the important activities into each day is key to feeling in control of one’s life.

Business often creates perks to make it seem like they are supporting the effort to thrive, but they are often too superficial to treat the real meaning of thriving. Workers often need to be educated on what thriving entails. They may have to many habits that are slowing their progress and undermining their own self-actualization.

Educating workers to understand what would be most beneficial to their own growth would help employers create the right support.

Education can be in the form of my four books on thriving, work sessions in person or Zoom, personal counseling, and company presentations.

A good start is a discussion with management to define what thriving means and the type of effort and resources management wants to commit in the effort to support workers thriving.

Contact me for more information or call for a 20 minute free consultation. or 442-288-3364