How to Thrive During the Threat of Being Fired

how to thrive through the threat of being fired

Hiring and firing is as common to the world of employment as rain and drought to our life on earth. Just when all the reservoirs are bottoming out, we get more water than we can use. Employment is an up and down trend of economic cycles.

Our life path begins at birth and ends at death. We have years to optimize who we are and our experience. We don’t want our life to be one dimensional. Employment is part of our self-actualizing and necessary for us to survive. We want that to be part of our life, not everything.

Creating the Important Life Values

Our life consists of health, relationships, and finding our purpose. Purpose comes from learning and self-actualizing. This pursuit of purpose should never stop regardless of other life incidents. Our current and future values are often based on what we can contribute. Our contribution is based on our knowledge and what we share.

If we want our contribution to improve, we have to increase our knowledge, skills, and ability to share. Knowledge can be learning, creativity, and experience. Skills require learning and practice. Sharing might involve collaboration, speaking, writing, or social media skills. This is a multifaceted effort in improve our profile in our life’s work.

Time Management is the Key to Progress

We improve all facets with good time management. We must have time blocks for the most important activities that move us forward. Time blocks should become a routine with the same hours and preparation. We prepare our energy to peak during our most creative times. Writers must be ready to move into flow during their writing time block.

Preparation requires having a calm nervous system and good health. Both require good nutrition, exercise, sleep, and periods of relaxations, solitude, meditation, or peace. These all prepare us to be creative during our most important time block for creating more personal value.

Moving forward with good time management requires the discipline of minimizing time wasters. We know what those are. They distract and cause procrastination of important work. They can include too much screen time, gossip, meaningless errands, and negative habits. We create more positive time with elimination of negative time.

Creating a productive life consists of having the right habits that proceed regardless of circumstances. Employment is crucial, but in this work and the next work we carry forward who we are, our intentions, and our purpose. Our long term path doesn’t deviate even for short term misalignments.


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As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

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