Worker Engagement Comes After Thriving

worker engagement comes after thriving

If there is single problem organizations seem to focus on it is worker engagement. One reason is that jobs are often taken for the money, not necessarily that the work is part of a building career. It has been said that student’s coming out of college don’t spend the time looking for their dream job, they take the first job.

There is difficulty aligning work with a worker’s talents and aspirations. These days there is so much more freedom to choose roles unlike the past when factories ruled the planet and there were just workers and management. The internet may be responsible for this change because it allowed niche players to thrive creating products for smaller niche audiences. Before that, mass producers produced for the average consumer.

Workers are now often looking for the niche that will allow them to express themselves. They want independence to make judgment decisions and freedom to express their talents in serving both the organization and the market being served. Can an organization satisfy all the niche seekers and still achieve its own mission? This is a serious challenge and a reason there is so much silent quitting and job transferring.

Thriving Not Surviving is the Mentality of the New Era

Workers want to thrive not just survive as the most dynamic change in worker attitude from past to present. In the past, being happy at work was not a requirement for workers or employers. Employers had a Mission and they paid workers to fulfill the necessary functions. Happiness was a bonus. There was loyalty as long as the pay and benefits continued.

Now workers are often willing to take less pay if they have more life perks which could be free time and independence. The remote working phenomena created by the pandemic set off a whole new perspective on what workers consider thriving. Not commuting is one of the items.

Workers have to take more responsibility for their happiness by developing skills that will lead them to more responsible positions and incorporating lifestyle habits that will make them more energetic, vital, and productive. Gurus and healers will say that growth starts from within and manifests outward.

One mantra I like is “I am a continuously evolving force of Nature that inspires people with what I am becoming.” This could be a core belief that starts the manifesting leading to more life and career fulfillment. We start with building who we are. We consider growth a priority. We want to grow in many aspects of our life.

We do not just see ourselves as a pawn for the employer available for pay in the long run. We see ourselves as an ever evolving and growing chess piece that will move from pawn to knight to king. We have to develop all aspects of our being in the process taking satisfaction in the journey of our growth and our ability to continuously contribute more.

Our goal is therefore to grow to enjoy ourselves and contribute more to others. This can include all aspects of our life. We want to be the healthiest specimen possible. We want to care and protect our mates, children, friends, and co-workers. We want to have an appreciated role in our organization. We must become more to realize the fruits of our efforts. We need patience, consistency, and faith.

We may need to find the right organization that will recognize us, but we must be continuously evolving to become the person that our dream organization will treasure. We have to become that dream employee.

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As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

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