5 Important Things to Do Each Day

5 important things to do each day

Deciding what to do each day should not be just about tending to our obligations but how to move our life forward. In fact, how to move our life forward should be our first priority because at the end of the day, this is what makes us say “that was a good day.”

I have 5 things I strive for each day. I begin my day with a meditation for 20 minutes. This is my peace time and demonstrates my emotional, mental, and spiritual health are the foundation of peak performance. External negative influences cannot prejudice our perspective that our life is a blessing and happening as it should.

I eat healthy. I plan to eat healthy and my daily diet is usually mentally planned in advance. I know how to get the nutrition for energy, preparation for exercise, recovery for exercise, weight management, and feeling content. This includes drinking up to 100 ounces of water. I don’t have to travel to an office so I can stock everything I need and my daily diet is determined by my planned shopping.

I exercise my body. Exercise is for health, energy, brain support, nervous system support, weight management, spiritual connection to myself and Nature, improving who I am, discipline, getting outdoors, flow, training, and fun. If you groan when you have to put on your tennis shoes for a walk or run, you don’t see the “why” of exercise.

I work to make a contribution each day. I have channels for my skills that I express to share my knowledge, experience, and good intentions. This is a higher priority than to do lists. If your day is all to do lists, you are missing your purpose in life. I express my skills in being creative, teaching, and self-actualizing. At the end of each day, I can summarize how I made an effort to make other lives better.

I have several thoughts of gratitude. We are faced each day with the events that are difficult and may not go our way. We are faced with the obstacles and resistance to us reaching our goals. Yet, there are things we are gratified about. We have our health, our relationships. our personal growth, our progress to this point, our plans to succeed, the tools we can utilize to reach our goals, and the opportunity to live the life we love. We can’t be dominated by the difficulties when our blessings are so great.

These 5 activities have to be our overriding plan to all the other plans. These are the 5 activities that help us self-actualize, find our purpose, make our biggest contribution, enjoy gratitude, feel happy we are the director of our life, and serve as an example for those who are overburdened with their perceptions of an unrewarding life. Life doesn’t need to happen to us, we can make it happen for us.

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As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

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