5 Good Steps for a Thriving Life

5 positive steps for thriving

There are 5 Good Steps for a Thriving Life. We often look at our circumstances and think they are out of our control but necessary for thriving. The truth is we can set up our own circumstances for thriving.

Thriving is obviously a feeling about our own state of being. Are we feeling positive about our life or are we negative and pessimistic. Previous posts have shown how thriving and happiness are interconnected. We learned happiness is a biological state created by hormones and neurotransmitters stimulated by the brain in reaction to occurrences in our life.

Let’s Go for the Happiness

Happiness brain chemicals are stimulated when the brain recognizes certain behaviors, thoughts, or intentions could promote our survival and thriving. It is in Nature’s interest we learn how to better adapt to our environment, improve our skills, care for others, protect others, and build our physical capabilities.

Learning is a prime stimulus of happiness and a process to sustain it. Learning is interpreted by our brain as a survival behavior. We can learn intellectually, artistically, emotionally, and physically. It stimulates dopamine and dopamine prolongs the process of learning in any session. Have a learning period each day and you will become more optimistic about your life and gain self-esteem in your improvement.

Creativity is One of the Most Rewarding Behaviors

Creativity is the most positive behavior for improving our circumstances. We are differentiating ourselves. We are bringing a new idea or solving a problem that could be a contribution to others. A contribution turbos our feelings about our own self-worth. Creativity improves our value. If we get into flow while creating, we are reaching the highest emotional state of bliss.

Caring and protecting others is a primal behavior meant to sustain our loved ones, friends, community and in modern times maybe co-workers. Humans survive because we care and protect each other. Caring and protecting is a contribution. Value our relationships and always consider what we can do to improve them.

Health Should Not Be Neglected for Other Achievements

Health is a prime need and Nature rewards us for improving our health and conditioning. Endorphins kick in with endurance activities to mask our pain and dopamine enters to sustain our enjoyment and engagement. Physically active people have a higher level of energy, optimism, and self-worth. They have fewer self-destructive habits.

Spirituality is our connection to ourselves, others, the planet, and the Universe. We should feel all is one. It can be deeper than believing in God. It can be the feeling all is the way it should be and we are one actor among many attempting to improve the lives of everyone and everything. It is a very high form of love. Getting into Nature helps many people feel the connection. I have always felt that in Nature is where I am most in touch with God. In its perfection, we see our own perfection and blessings.

With these behaviors and perceptions, what is going on in the world is just noise. We embrace behaviors that serve us and others. Our work is just one aspect of why we are here. With positive behaviors we have a greater realization of our purpose and why we are here.


As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

The Markap Books:

Self-Leadership, Gratitude, Happiness, and Start Now

See Books on the Home Page

Contact me at Mark@markap1.com

Call for a Free 20-minute consultation. 442-288-3364

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