
You Can Have Happiness and Gratitude Now

You can have happiness and gratitude now.

You Can Have Happiness and Gratitude Now. They are the results of positive habits. Happiness is a biological tool created by Nature to help us survive. It is not a BMW.

Programmed into our DNA are certain happiness brain chemicals that are stimulated by thoughts, intentions, and behaviors. When we are young, we should be taught this simple biological fact. Instead, we are led to believe all sorts of tales about how we achieve happiness and what it is. Even fairy tales make us believe we must find a prince (princess) to live happily ever after.

Work Your Daily Efforts Backward

We should work backward and find what habits stimulate dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Then we create the behaviors that lead to their arousal. One problem is that lots of negative behaviors also stimulate these hormones and neurotransmitters which is why we have so much suffering and pain.

Learning, creating, contributing, caring, protecting, and exercise will all stimulate happiness. Add challenge and risk and we are finding our purpose and why we are here. Passions induce us to pursue certain behaviors and create resilience to obstacles. When we engage in activities in which we understand the mechanics and face a challenge to improve we can enter a state of flow which is high state of bliss.

There Are Happiness Models in Life of People Finding Out Who They Are

This is the giant cocktail that can make our life a dream. Find people facing challenges in pursuit of their passions and you will find people who are self-actualizing, on purpose, and know why they are here. Take people like Taylor Swift, Elon Musk, and Patrick Mahomes. They are at the top of their professions, but consider the risks and challenges they face every day. Competition is brutal but brings out the best in us when we are all in.

Nature wants us to face challenges and win. She powers us with the hormones and neurotransmitters that reward us for our intentions, power us through the behaviors, and reward us for our progress. Happiness is in the process more than in the achievement. This is where we get happiness all wrong. We stop when we hit milestones.

Gratitude Is a Blessing You Can Have Now

Gratitude can be the feelings we enjoy just for having the opportunity to pursue our dreams. Most people on a path for achievement are so thankful for the opportunity to engage. It takes a surfer a long time to become a world champion, but they thrive in the pursuit. It is a daily task to improve every aspect of their performance. Yes, pressure and pain, but the dream of discovering who they are powers their behaviors.

You can take stock several times a day for the list of items for which you feel gratitude. You don’t have to wait. You can be grateful you are here and have progressed to a certain point. You can be grateful for your gifts. You can be grateful for the fact you may get to live into a future where you find fulfillment. People on their death bed usually wish they had done more of something. Now is your opportunity to do everything you can each day.

Yes, pack your life with learning, creativity, contribution, caring, protecting, and exercise and you will be maximizing who you are. You will have fewer regrets. You will have fewer destructive habits. You will have vitality and longevity. You will see the young ones in your life grow older.


As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

The Markap Books:

Self-Leadership, Gratitude, Happiness, and Start Now

See Books on the Home Page

Contact me at Mark@markap1.com

Call for a Free 20-minute consultation. 442-288-3364

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