What is the Distance between Your Dreams and Current Reality?

what is the distance between your dreams and current reality

The best way to begin the trek between your current reality and your dreams is to create sustaining goals that last a lifetime. When many people are asked about their dreams, they might say the lottery would be a good start.

That is because they envision a freedom money would bring. They could pay off their bills, buy something they dream about, travel, and perhaps not go to work. The problem many have is they almost regret winning and they are often broke in five years.

Our Dreams Should Be About Sustained Happiness not Short Term Perks

The things we buy often have a shelf life in sustaining happiness. What does sustain happiness is when people make money doing something they love. This has a long shelf life. Steven Kotler, flow expert, and author of The Rise of Superman says the people with flow in their lives are the happiest people on earth. Building flow is much more realistic than buying lottery tickets.

One key to living your dreams is to have lots of love in your life. Love is a very sustaining emotion that trumps all others. Healers say dig into your emotions and release the pain to find the love and the light. Those who do what they love have found the light.

Love is not just the romantic type although all love might be romantic. Love is enjoying the life you live. Really happy people don’t attribute it just to possessions. They have a spirit, a perspective, and a lifestyle that provides the gratitude we feel when we live our dreams.

You Can Start Today to Reach Your Dreams

You can start today. Pick the categories of importance in your life and start improving them on a daily basis. Take small steps that realistically lead to big change. Changing can be immensely satisfying.

Start with the basics. We thrive when we are in great health. We don’t want health to someday impede our quality of life. Begin with nutrition, weight management, exercise, sleep, relaxation, solitude, and spirituality. Invest in each and your life could become a dream soon.

Think about your contribution. Contribution stimulates a lot of happiness brain chemicals we associate with happiness and fulfillment. Happiness is biological and our brain says we are happy when we are learning, creating, caring, protecting, and exercising. We are on the road to mastering happiness when we realize happiness is hormones and neurotransmitters. Build your own strengths first and let them manifest outward.

Some people seek happiness in their work and some seek it in their personal lives and some want both. When we love our work, we find our personal life is supported. Loving our work usually requires we think we have found our purpose. The purpose could be engaging in the work or working to make the contribution we dream about. Was Musk in love with electric vehicles or was reducing pollution on the planet his goal?

Jeremy Jones, extreme snowboarder and movie maker, loves snowboarding and he loves challenging the most difficult slopes in the world, often never explored by someone else. In fact, he climbs the mountains he snowboards because there are not alternative methods to the top where goes. Once he hired a sherpa that wouldn’t go where he wanted to go. He takes us along in his movies to share his experience. He says the wheels fall off his bus when he is not in the mountains. His life is about perfecting his skills and having the courage to risk his life to test them.

The bigger the challenge the more exciting our life becomes. Challenge and risk when engaged in something we are capable of achieving but currently above our skills is the most happiness stimulating activity we can enjoy. It doesn’t have to be a mortal risk. Entrepreneurs are adrenaline junkies just as video gamers, entertainers, writers, researchers, and explorers. There are lots of goals that are worthwhile challenges.

So the short cut to living the life of your dreams is finding the challenge that defines you and in which engagement is something you don’t want to live without.

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