Make Creativity A Part of Productivity
Making Creativity Part of Productivity can make progress faster and contribution bigger. Problem solving, new ideas, competitive advantages, and resilience all benefit from creativity.
Creativity is most effective when it becomes a scheduled daily routine. Creativity is a combination of the brain, the subconscious, intuition, and harboring universal forces. To get clear for innovative thinking we want to engage when we are freshest and have high energy.
What is Your Best Creative Time
First thing in the morning is the best time for me. Before I have any obligations to perform my mind is fresh from a night’s sleep and primed with a cup of coffee. Then I address the topic I want to work on. For me, it is writing. I create posts for websites and look for fresh topics that address my work.
Creativity in the morning is a default. There is no contemplation or procrastination. It is in my schedule as a solid time block. Knowing the first thing is my creativity block, I am mentally preparing in the morning and know nothing else has priority. I can close out the distractions in my mind of what may also be on calendar for a busy day.
It Is Valuable to Be a Problem Solver
The most rewarded people in business are the problem solvers and innovators. Looking for the competitive edge is a business driver. Someone has to do the creative work and creative people have irreplaceable value in the organizational scheme. The best way to climb the ladder is solving problems and creating competitive advantages. Why not be that person?
Creativity is a habit. Writers know when their best time of day is for isolating and writing. Some like afternoons and some like it when their household has gone to sleep. Creative muscles develop with practice. When I write, I can immediately get into flow. This means the prefrontal cortex has shut down and my self-criticism and judgement are suspended as I reach peak performance.
Flow is Our Most Creative and Peak Performance State
This “flow” is a tool of extreme athletes to get their brain and body working together without thinking to reach new levels of performance. As extreme athletes have said, if they don’t get into flow, they die. With practice we can get into flow several times a day. I get into flow when I write. I also bike, snowboard, and surf. I love the focus and freedom of engaging where my mind can enjoy the activity without outside thoughts hindering my process.
Getting into flow and creativity can also benefit from having our lives in order. I focus on my health, having my relationships in good order, living within my means, not procrastinating, and having good time management. I have few things tugging on my subconscious for attention that I have not already given a time slot to work on.
The Right Behaviors Make Us Happier
Positive actions toward progress create happiness brain chemicals. The brain stimulates dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins for activities that promote survival and thriving. It is in our DNA. Nature wants us to self-actualize to create more adaptive genes and stronger next generations. Learning, creating, caring, protecting, socializing in community, and exercising have all been essential habits since early man for making progress.
Creating time blocks for our most important progress activities not only helps us progress faster, it makes us happier. It becomes a self-fulfilling loop that progress makes us happier and happiness makes us more productive. Optimum productivity maybe based on how efficient our daily activities take us to more competitive states.
Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.
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