Lifestyle Determines Our Health

lifestyle determines our health

One can compare healthy with unhealthy people and discover immediately how Lifestyle Determines Our Health. There are several components that comprise a healthy lifestyle.

Everyone can guess that diet is important. Diet is important for weight management. The population is getting more overweight as they need more medical care to cure lifestyle dysfunctions. Losing weight might be the first good step. Check your weight size with the Body Mass Index calculator to see if you are overweight or obese.

Exercise is probably your next guess. Exercise rids the body of inflammation. A sedentary person won’t be able to exercise enough to lose weight. It becomes more important after dramatic weight loss to maintain weight. After dramatic weight loss the metabolism stays low and eating normally adds weight quickly.

Stress is a Killer

Stress is a major cause of disease. It might be equal or more crucial than weight. Stress places the body into emergency mode and lowers immunity and digestion. It stimulates cortisol which should only be present in our body for a short time. Stress maintains high levels of cortisol for long periods of time.

This means we have to have relaxation periods to unwind. Unfortunately, as a population, we unwind in unhealthy ways. We overeat, we consume too much sugar, we drink alcohol in excess, we do drugs, and then we might even find addictions like shopping and gambling. Anger and hostility might also be ways people deal with stress.

Finding purpose in life is important for health. Our life changes dramatically when we have passions. Our passions fulfill our life purpose when we learn to get into flow engaging in our passions. Flow is our peak state of bliss. Passion and love are positive emotions that stimulate our brain to produce happiness chemicals. These are dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins.

Create Time Blocks for the Purposeful Activities

A healthy person creates time blocks in his day to engage in important activities that fulfill his purpose and reason for being here. Ask a passionate person why they are here and their passion is probably their reason. Having a meaningful life means the work life balance issue has probably been handled. Hard workers passionate about their engagement don’t complain about work life balance.

Having a spiritual connection to your body, the earth, and mankind relieves a lot of stress and separation from our most meaningful relationships. Spiritual people feel everything is connected and therefore feel unity with all things. This eliminates the idea life is treating us unfairly and we have been singled out. We tend to spend our time making ourselves better and contributing to the bigger picture intentionally. This is the life process.

Self-Actualization is at the Top of the Pyramid

Self-actualization is at the top of Maslow’s pyramid. It is the pursuit of our own perfection. It automatically can exclude negative behaviors, thoughts, and intentions. As we try to perfect our own reason for being here, we automatically wish for the best for others. This self-improvement and care for others stimulates all the happiness neurotransmitters and hormones Nature gifted us for the right lifestyle.

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Lifestyle Determines Our Health (this one)

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