What Are the Characteristics of a Thriving Worker?

what are the characteristics of a thriving worker

A thriving worker wakes up enthusiastic to begin his day. He has plans. He looks forward to the work that lies before him for the day and also his time blocks for exercising, sharing, socializing, and contributing. He lives productively and his contribution earns him supportive feedback.

A thriving worker has a solid relationship with himself. He has growth as a central theme in his life and supports it with scheduled time blocks during the day. Our contribution must start inside and manifest outward, says Stephen Covey.

The thriving worker has supportive relationships. Man is a social animal and we stimulate oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine by building relationships with our family, friends, co-workers, customers, and community.

It is difficult to thrive without excellent health. Health has to be a priority and includes nutrition, exercise, relaxation, solitude, perhaps a meditative practice, and a spiritual connection to ourselves, others, and Nature. A thriving person knows he is an entity and connected.

Contribution is a major theme in a thriving person’s life whether he is sharing his knowledge, entertaining, leading, protecting, caring, or learning. His purpose is elevated by building his own skills and making the world a better place. Knowing he is contributed makes him feel his life is worthwhile.

A thriving person feels love. He loves his life. He loves others. He loves his opportunities to express himself. He feels love for his environment which may include his home, his town, his country, earth, and the Universe. Love is spiritual and makes us feel at one with all things.


As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

The Markap Books:

Self-Leadership, Gratitude, Happiness, and Start Now

See Books on the Home Page

Contact me at Mark@markap1.com

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