What Should Be Our Life Focus?

what should be our life focus

There is one focus that could make everything about your life better. That focus is improvement. Carrying that a step further would be self-actualization. Self-actualization is finding out who you are, why you are here, and therefore your purpose.

Most consultants, philosophers, gurus, and healers would say you can help others when you have helped yourself. Stephen Covey says you work on your interior and manifest outward. The healer Kali Kavara says dive into your emotional pains from the past and let in the light.

You can be discovering who you are and engage in self-healing while also contributing to others. My path began with losing weight and getting fit to feel the best I could feel. I became so happy with the results I wanted to tell others and began blogging on health and spirituality which are close cousins.

This path led me to becoming a Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Nutrition Specialist. All three lend themselves to creating a healthy lifestyle that supports your life and career goals. Optimizing your energy is an important ingredient in optimizing your influence in your chosen skill.

You have met people with bursting enthusiasm and vitality. Their enthusiasm is attractive and magnetic. You can look at someone’s face and hear a few words to know when they are living a rewarding life. Isn’t that what we want- to feel fulfilled and on purpose?

Life is brimming with obligations and demands on our time. It is up to us to set the priorities. It is up to us to select our path and our goals. Taking care of our personal needs is connecting us spiritually to Nature and all other living things. We are one. This is a good mantra to repeat to know that we are not separate nor alone. What we do effects everything else. We are all a little butterfly flapping our wings and causing change.

Who you are determines the change you will cause. Maslow’s famous pyramid is not a religion but places becoming who you were meant to be at the top. This should be your first focus. It will determine your other priorities. Don’t surrender your life spirit to others, let your life spirit enrich them.

What are some areas of focus to reaching your purpose. Start with your health and wellbeing. These days, these two cannot be underrated. The other end of the spectrum is burnout from not paying attention to your own wellbeing.

Make learning a priority. We all want progress to worthwhile goals. Learning more is key. We should combine learning with creativity. Creativity is how we bring new ideas and solve problems to the world. Bezos has done both with Amazon. He decided we might like to buy books online. Then he decided we would like to buy other things online and shorten our time spent shopping. This is the effect of creativity.

Make contribution a goal. Everything you become can possibly help others also become better. This is our manifesto in our connection to all things. Make everything better. This is why Nature has gifted our DNA with happiness hormones and neurotransmitters. When we contribute, help and care, we get a rush of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin to reward our efforts and seduce us to do more.

Let’s put everything that is petty, destructive, and time wasting at the bottom of our list. Let’s put everything that improves us and others at the top of our list. Let them be our own North Star. If you want to feel enlightened, thriving, and happy, this will be your course.


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As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

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