Why Physical Activity is Thriving

physical activity is thriving

Physical activity can deliver one of the highest states of bliss. The state of flow is sought by all extreme athletes. Other activities that might deliver this state are gaming, sex, meditation, and love. Could you have all these in one day? That would be fun.

Man was evolved to run. He could run for longer than any animal and he often used this capability to run down game until it tired. To accomplish this, the body stimulates endorphins which mask pain and create a high known as “runners high”.

I was a runner and entering this state was blissful. It was addicting. In my track club for adults, runners would have foot injuries and have to wear a cast. Many would still run with the cast. Those who could no longer run would take up road biking and cover long distances to get the same feelings as running.

Running becomes a runner’s way of life and identity. They might even say it is their purpose and why they are here. They are addicted to the bliss they experience on their runs. They are also addicted to how healthy they feel. They are healthy and probably lean. They are rarely ill and their projection of longevity is greater than the average person.

Any type of endurance exercise can deliver incredible benefits that become life changing and lifestyle. One can get the benefits from an aerobic class, stationary bike, treadmill, swimming, hiking, and so many other aerobic sports.

Not only does one enjoy looking in the mirror to see the exercise reflected on one’s face, but also in a leaner body that looks better in clothes. People that exercise make better first impressions in business and socially. People have respect for people that are fit because it shows self-esteem, a regard for health, and discipline.

A person that has a high regard for fitness reflects certain values that could be attractive for a business partner, life partner, friend, or employee. There is a spirituality attached to fitness that comes from recognition we are a part of the natural order in which nutrition and exercise connect us with all living things.

Exercise becomes a peak experience once the mechanics are learned and one can drop into the experience without thinking of the mechanics. This allows the brain and body to coordinate all the movements and in extreme sports, faster than we can think. In fact, the extreme athlete can’t depend on thinking his way through. All athletes can experience flow in which their instincts are doing all the directing.

For many engaged in exercise, it makes their day. Having this opportunity is a peak experience in their life and becomes a lifestyle. It is thriving. I have the desire to exercise in some form every day and my exercise trips are my fun. I bike, surf, hike, and snowboard. Work is fun, but play is more fun.


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