What Are the Important Relationships for Thriving?

what are the important relationships of thriving

Could relationships be the most important factor in thriving? Yes. Consider first, the relationship with yourself? Are you accepting of who you are, your achievements to this date, your status in life, and your opportunities? I am not saying satisfied as though you are through, I am asking if you are accepting of where you are at the moment?

A spiritual person is at peace with who they are. They know they belong, are entitled to be here, have a purpose, and are living their purpose to the best of their ability. It is important not to be angry. We could be angry that we don’t have more, that we are not more advanced in our career, at people we blame for where we are, and maybe even angry at people for who we are.

Kali Kavara a spiritual leader (@kalikavara on Instagram) says our life is lighter and we find our true selves through digging into the pain and anger of our past. Both can haunt us and continue to shadow our life in our subconscious.

How Many Things Are We a Part Of as Opposed to Separated?

We have a more enlightened attitude when we see ourselves as a part of Nature and the Universe with all things happening as they should. Life is not against us and there is no conspiracy against us that we should have less than we deserve. We are entitled to all the blessings and good feelings that are available in life.

Meditating in the morning for 20 minutes is an opportunity to accept that we are separate from all things and yet connected to all things. Knowing we are entitled to our dreams is a simple mantra that can help us face adversity and develop resilience.

Supporting all the people in our circles with good wishes and contributing what we are able comes back to support us with equal feelings. Loving others is Kharma that returns with love. Anger is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Don’t cut anyone off, but create new boundaries that allow you to have a relationship with them but does not entitle them to know all your feelings.

At the beginning of the day and at the end of the day, having good feelings about our relationships is one of the most important aspects of thriving. How do we feel about ourselves, our relationship to Nature, our mates, children, friends, employers, community, nation, mankind? So many opportunities to give and receive. Do we have acrimony about any of these relationships?

Fix the Broken Connections

We need to dig in and fix any broken fences. I find that my creativity blocks are enhanced by having my relationships in order, living within my means, being in good health, and positive about my ability to contribute. Creativity comes from our subconscious, and we must negate worries, anger, fear, and pessimism from our consciousness to fully tap our powers. This is why Kali Kavara says we must first dig into our pain to find our light.

Evaluate your relationship to everyone and everything. Clean it up. Make yourself the first priority. Stephen Covey says our contribution begins from within and manifests outward. Engaging in negative habits to cover the pain like shopping, gambling, overeating, alcohol, smoking, and anger is not as beneficial as starting healthy habits like exercise, nutrition, learning, contributing, caring, protecting, and loving. Healthy habits build optimism, opportunity, connection, support, and success.


As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

The Markap Books:

Self-Leadership, Gratitude, Happiness, and Start Now

See Books on the Home Page

Contact me at Mark@markap1.com

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