For Thriving, Start at the End and Work Backwards

for thriving start at the end and work backwards

Thriving has become a new model for the ideal worker and employer/worker relationship. Microsoft says it is the new North Star. Thriving is the new target and not everyone has agreed on what it means.

The definitions are similar, however, and generally mean the worker is feeling fulfilled and happy with his circumstances making him the optimum worker and loyal employee. Executives also should pursue striving as it will enlighten them as to its significance.

Start at the Goal and Work Backwards

Working backwards might be like the football teams do these days and say if we want to win the Super Bowl, what do we need. Everyone is agreed a sterling defense is necessary, but even the #1 49ers defense couldn’t withstand the Eagles and without a quarterback couldn’t keep up in scoring. A quarterback needs protection, and he needs good wide receivers. It is a comprehensive effort that begins with recruiting, coaching, and intelligent strategies.

Striving is every bit as comprehensive. Higher pay and a little more time off is like getting a good wide receiver but not nearly enough. A thriving worker is an engine of motivation, optimism, and high performance. If we are going to compare him with a car, we know lots of components go into making a car perform.

Why Not Start with Health?

Health is a good place to start. A thriving person to sustain needs energy. He needs a good diet, exercise, relaxation, and ways to relieve stress. This alone is a full program. We can begin good time management with health maintenance saying there must be time to prepare good food, exercise, have moments of solitude, and free time to decompress.

Learning and creativity are part of any successful performer’s daily routine. Creativity creates the competitive edge and solves problems. The creative person is going to be valuable on any team for their contribution. Both also stimulate happiness brain chemicals for learning is Nature’s highest goals to perpetuate the species.

Risk Taking and Challenge Are at the Heart of Bold

Risk taking and challenge are necessary for an exciting and fulfilling life. They are the anti-boredom antidotes. Workers need sufficient responsibility, flexibility, and support. Ask any worker how they would feel about these three items. Set a goal for a worker and give him responsibility, flexibility, and support and he will be a happy person.

Including everyone in discussions about the Mission creates a feeling of inclusion that helps people feel responsible for the results. Most workers want to be able to look at the products or services produced by their organization and know how they contributed to the success. Many organizations that grant special bonuses include secretaries and assistants. No one is too small. Every cell in our body contributes to our vitality.

Is the organization a credit to the wellbeing of all stakeholders including the environment, the community, and mankind. A noble purpose lifts all boats. A noble purpose can be a turbo charge to motivation and feelings of self-esteem, purpose, and the reason we are here. Top organizations are the best teams, and everyone roots for each other.

Creating a thriving organization is built from the ground up and creates strong roots in the sense of traditions and policies. Including everyone in the discussions is a good path to arriving at the destination together. It shouldn’t be long before there are CTO’s or Chief Thriving Officers to weigh decisions effect on a thriving organization.


As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

The Markap Books:

Self-Leadership, Gratitude, Happiness, and Start Now

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