Are You the One Selecting Your Priorities?

are you selecting your priorities

Are You the One Selecting Your Priorities? If so, you have choice. You should then have some influence on your happiness, fulfillment, and purpose. You should be deciding to engage in activities that show you why you are here.

After all, if you are in charge, you are in charge. If you are not in charge, you are living at the effects of life rather than being the director. When you live at the effect of life, you have less influence on your own happiness.

Are We Losing Sight of Happiness?

There are many struggles these days over this happiness. Workers talk about work life balance. Workers make choices to take less salary for more free time. In a recent survey, workers valued free time higher than children or promotions.

What is the value of free time? Do you want to lay on a lounge and drink tea? If you are burnt out, this is exactly what you want to do, but add a nice sunny, white sand beach. If you are not meeting your life expectations than you might need the time to work on a personal goal. If you have great ambitions, you might need the time to focus.

Time management is one solution. Creating blocks of time can give you the free time each day. Time to work on a project. Time to be creative. Time to exercise. Time to relax. Several time blocks a day that allow important work add up to a very satisfactory day. They create a perspective that you are getting what you need out of life.

Who Controls Your Time?

Who controls your time controls you. Does your employer restrict your time to activities that you find very unsatisfying and missing your purpose in life. This requires a reconciliation. You are doing it until you can break free. Or you are doing it because you need the income and there is no end in sight. Or something is needed to break the dynamic and you haven’t found it yet.

Most likely you do know your priorities. You have a family to feed. You have to put in time to be promoted. You have to learn all you can to get the next job opportunity. You have to work hard to get the time off to do something you desire. Your on the treadmill, but are working for the time when you are not.

It is important along the way to keep your health and mental sanity. It is important to keep your purpose in focus and know how it relates to what you are doing. You always want to know why you are here and how what you are doing relates to that purpose. You can’t lose you in your daily grind.

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