Your Life is About Choice

make your choice about life

Your Life is About Choice because you have the power to change it on any day. Every day some people get inspired to make life different and take the first step. The12 Step program is about choice.

The desire to start a diet or an exercise program are about choice. The desire to find a new career or employer is a choice. The decision to start your own business is a choice.

The real fun is how much challenge and risk are involved. There is a reason people are drawn to be extreme athletes, special op soldiers, entertainers, or entrepreneurs. They want the challenge and risk to see who they are.

Who Are You? Do you ever wonder about where you are on the total potential scale of you? We marvel at the wonder of top athletes, entrepreneurs, professionals, artists, writers, and coaches. The DNA of all humans only varies about 4%. That is not enough to give someone a big edge.

Aha, now we are getting down to the choices people have made. Most choices to get to the top involve risk. Not necessarily physical risk, but the risk of who you are. Stepping out and making a statement to see if anyone responds is scary. What if people don’t like you, don’t think you are impressive, think you are stupid?

We have fragile egos. Our sense of self-worth is often a reflection of what others say to us about us. Social media, text messages from others on your phone, and other daily activities can make us feel popular or invisible and alone.

Deciding to make an impact with our skills takes us in a different direction. It requires hard work, dedication, passion, and the risk we will fall flat. It is easy to point at Taylor Swift whose family supported her by uprooting to Nashville. She went door to door asking for label support and saying only she could perform her songs. Hutzpah.

There are also so many stories of less famous people who have laid it all on the line to engage in their passions. They have decided they could withstand the distractors and resistance to their dreams. The world has so much resistance. It makes you prove you are worthy. Do you have the intestinal fortitude to make your statement?

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