Flow is Peak Thriving

flow is thriving

Anyone seeking the state of thriving will want to become intimate with the state of flow. Thriving is the feeling life is delivering one’s expectations and more. Flow is a state of bliss experienced while engaging in a challenging activity.

Someone may not experience thriving until they have developed the right habits and time manage their days to prioritize the most meaningful activities. At the end of the day they feel they have made progress toward their worthwhile goals. They feel they are living purposefully.

Flowing in an activity is part of the day. Flow is engaging in an activity in which the party has competence and can push the challenge a few degrees for a peak performance. In the process, the judgmental part of the brain closes down and the party feels freedom. Happiness brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin kick in plus endorphins for physical activity and the person feels high.

Getting to flow and thriving begins with purposeful goals encompassed in self-actualizing. Improvement is important for flow and thriving. Goals of improvement that are given time blocks each day can lead first to flow and then the feeling that the person is thriving.

I get into flow in the morning when I write. I need my intellect, subconscious, and universal connections to take over my thought process so I can creatively find new ground. My days need to include creativity for me to feel thriving. Secondly, I need exercise. I have a number of recreations during which I try to get into flow. My days need exercise to feel I am thriving.

What about your days? What are the important activities in which you can engage to feel purposeful and feel your life has meaning? There has to be challenge and risk. These two factors are most important for stimulating the brain to produce happiness hormones and neurotransmitters. Once you have experienced them, you become addicted to recreating the feelings every day.

Unfortunately, negative and self-destructive addictions also create highs. These addictions like shopping, gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs, and overeating can take a person down the wrong path. Positive behaviors are self-actualizing and eliminate the desire for negative habits.

Some positive behaviors are learning, creativity, contributing, caring, protecting, health, exercise, and meditating or solitude. Each of these will create positive feedback loops that enhance our days. Try to get as many as possible into your time schedule each day.

Seek the activities for which you have passion and that make the biggest contributions. This is where your life finds meaning. The more meaning in your life the more optimistic, empathetic, and generous you will feel. You will want others to experience the same joys as you experience and you may want to share your path.


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As a Thriving Worker Consultant, I can engage in conversations with employers on how to begin the process of helping workers thrive and reach peak performance. It begins with a conversation to see how far an organization is willing to go to change the culture for workers.

Great practices for daily living can be learned with the Markap Series of Books. If your organization would like live presentations or Zoom meetings, they can be arranged for small to large groups.

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