Get Healthy to Balance Your Nervous System

how do we get healthy

Work life balance can be a question of nerves and anxiety but consider Getting Healthy to Balance Your Nervous System. What is health?

We normally think of health as an absence of sickness. That is a good definition, but the act of getting healthy can be far more beneficial than just the absence of sickness. Sickness says that we have caught a foreign invader or that our style of living has contributed to our body’s inability to defend.

How Do We Get Healthy?

Health includes many areas of well being. There is mental health, cardiovascular systems, nervous systems, joints, muscles, skin, and waste production. We get virus’s, bacteria, inflammation, and deterioration in all our systems as we age. We can fight the demise of these systems with comprehensive measures.

Nutrition is upper most to support our entire body. The body has needs and it also defends depending on what it consumes. Basic cave man diets can keep us lean and support our organs and systems. As we add modern ingredients we often over load with sugars, bad fats, alcohol, and drugs. Our evolutionary body is not used to many modern abuses.

The Value of Exercise

A major component of health is exercise. Our bodies were meant to exercise to flush inflammation and invite revitalized chemicals to flow through our systems. Exercise is good for mental health and our nervous system.

When we have passions for physical exercise in the way of sports, the gym, aerobics, and all recreations, we create physical and mental health. A healthy nervous system helps us accommodate the stress of daily living. Stress is a killer. Our bodies, like animals, were meant to experience stress for short periods of time in emergencies and then return to normal brain waves. Extended hyper brain activity causes serious breakdowns in all systems.

Meditation, rest, solitude, and quiet activities can support mental health and our reaction to stress. How we handle stress is often affected by our attitude. What do we value? What do we think is important? How do external forces affect our feeling of self-sufficiency, security, and safety?

The Connection with Universal Forces

Connections with Nature can affect how we see our purpose and reason for being here. It can affect our perspective of what is important in our daily and life experiences. It can affect what values we hold in esteem.

Surfers have a connection with Nature that over rides what most people worry about. The surfing connection creates a “chill” that allows surfers to reevaluate the issues that make many people anxious. The same might be said for hikers, bikers, campers, skiers, and so many other sports. Nature connects us to the Universe and we gain a feeling of stability knowing there are forces so much more powerful than the issues faced by daily living.

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