Does Spirituality Support Achievement

A person that doesn’t consider themselves spiritual might not wonder Does Spirituality Support Achievement. A person who is spiritual knows it can be the main ingredient for work life balance. How do perspectives differ between spiritual and non spiritual and maybe religious people? A non spiritual person would feel that their progress and life depends…

Lifestyles that Prioritize Fitness and Happiness

Lifestyles that Prioritize Fitness and Happiness create routines and time management to accomplish important goals. Fitness and Happiness can be a path through the obstacles faced by our other goals. One doesn’t see these two ideas very often on the same plate but they both require some discipline and both stimulate happiness brain chemicals. They…


Don’t Ignore Lifestyle Changes that Change Everything

Our lifestyle can be invigorating every day or a routine that has us desperate for change. Don’t Ignore the Lifestyle Changes that Change Everything. New habits and routines can make our life different. Ask your self how many things make you feel gratified every day. At the end of the day are you saying, that…

The Positive Lifestyle for Change

The Positive Lifestyle for Change includes growth behaviors. Choosing the right behaviors is the foundation for positive living. Positive living results in many lifestyle benefits. Some of the positive behaviors are healthy eating, exercise, learning, good sleep, relaxation, creativity contributing, empathy, and sharing. These are values and principals. Each can be part of a core…

Lifestyle Changes for Productivity

What are Lifestyle Changes for Productivity? Work life balance is on the minds of most workers. They may wonder if they are more productive, will they get more free time? Optimum productivity results from optimum health, fitness, vitality, spirituality, emotional intelligence, and relaxation. A balanced body, mental focus, emotional stability, and generous bent lead to…

What is Work Life Balance

As global circumstances change because of the pandemic, technology, competition, politics, and supply chain chaos, workers often feel at the affect of overwhelming influences. It is often difficult to separate what we can and cannot control in our own lives. It is important to let go of that which we cannot control. Not reading the…