Are You Enjoying Your Lifestyle?

are you enjoying your lifestyle

One of the main questions about a successful life is Are You Enjoying Your Lifestyle? It does not have to be about money. More important is whether you have the time to do the things you love.

Making money buys material goods, but time spent on passions delivers a feeling you are living your purpose and understand why you are here. It has been said the rich have money and the wealthy have time.

I have found I thoroughly enjoy the time blocks I schedule for my days. At the end of the day, I usually feel I have accomplished the activities that mean most to me at this time and I am living on purpose.

Setting the Worries Aside

There are always worries, but they should not dominate our existence. Stress results from time pressure and over load of responsibilities. More workers complain about the two these days and the pressure to produce is not decreasing with greater technologies.

Business is not making it easier for workers to enjoy their productivity. The common complaint is too much is expected. Workers burn out and are moving more often to find work that is more meaningful and allows greater life enjoyment.

Having some central themes that move you toward your life goals, that support your values, and feel purposeful deliver satisfaction and a lifestyle you are proud of. I like exercise, writing, teaching, healthy eating, and solitude. Each produces different feelings.

Living Our Core Values

What are your core values and how do you support them? Do you have time to engage in the activities that are most important to you? Do you feel you are living a meaningful and purposeful life? Have you discovered why you are here?

All good questions to determine if you have a successful lifestyle. The answers could involve money or not. The answers most likely involve time and how the time is spent. At the end of our days, the main regrets seem to revolve around how we spent our time. Some will say I should have loved more. Others may say I should have traveled more or spent more time with my close circles.

This is a good time to look forward and wonder how you will look back. What will be the values you wished you embraced? If you died tomorrow, do you feel you lived fulfilled? A friend of mine keeps saying if she died she would be ok with it. This is disturbing to me, but she means she is living life to the fullest and could not ask for more. Each day, she gives it her all to love, support, travel, hike, camp, and enjoy her meals. She doesn’t leave much undone that she values.

I now think about if I died tomorrow, have I been living my days to the fullest enjoyment. Have I been doing it my way? Have I minimized the aggravating and maximized the opportunities? Life can always be stressful or we can see the stress as necessary little bumps on our way to fulfilling our desires.

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