What is Work Life Balance

work life balance

As global circumstances change because of the pandemic, technology, competition, politics, and supply chain chaos, workers often feel at the affect of overwhelming influences. It is often difficult to separate what we can and cannot control in our own lives.

It is important to let go of that which we cannot control. Not reading the news is a good break and we learn that nothing changed because we were not paying attention. Finding periods of solitude and or engaging in activities we call our happy place have a positive effect on our nervous system.

Successful people are often quoted saying they have never worked a day in their life. Loving our work takes the work out of it. Having a passion for our work makes it play. This erodes the line between work and our personal lives. Passion for our work makes work and life the same.

Not everyone can find a passion for their work which is why there is such a high rate of job dissatisfaction and job transfers. People are taking more action to find job satisfaction and a high percentage of workers are only staying put for 3 years.

In the past, happiness was not an essential to remaining in a job. The focus was on a paycheck. The focus was putting in the years until the gold watch and retirement. Newer generations say this is too long to wait. They want happiness now.

Work Life Balance and Values

Creating work life balance requires we understand our values and can live lives in alignment with what is important. Even though health is deteriorating on a national basis, there has never been so much emphasis on work out equipment, meal plans, diets, and outdoor recreation such as camping.

We want it all. We know a paycheck is important, but we also know we only have so many days on earth. We know hard work is a secret of success, but we want the good life. Money can buy luxuries, but time is even more precious. Millennials are often choosing time over more pay. They want time for families, friends, vacations, and personal pursuits.

Creating blocks of time in our days and months can be a way to focus on quality. Prioritize the most important values and then the activities that support them. Allocate time each day to our valuable activities when we have the most energy. Include time for creativity, productivity, health, socializing, and solitude.

At the end of each day we want to say that was a good day. We can’t say that if we did not make progress on our meaningful goals. We might just say that was a stressful day that did not create progress toward our goals. If we want to feel we are living meaningful lives, our days must include time blocks of meaningful activities.

We have to have meaningful goals. We have to have support to chase these goals. We have to commit the time to include the activities leading to the goals. They have to be measurable so we can keep track.

Healthy pursuits give us more energy and stamina to have more meaningful days. If we are struggling to complete the basics, we won’t make progress. Health has to be a priority. It includes diet, exercise, relaxation, good sleep, and fun. Our nervous system has to have constant release because constant stress creates chronic diseases.

We should be conscious of the question why we are here and what is our purpose. Answering these questions with the ability to say I am living in purpose solves a major part of the work/life balance conflict. Living in purpose is work/life balance. Achieving progress toward our priorities that encompass our values is why we are here.

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