6 Habits to Improve Your Lifestyle

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Most people want to feel better, have more energy, be more productive, and look better. These are all worthwhile goals and can be enhanced with 6 Habits to Improve Your Lifestyle.

6 Habits to Improve Your Lifestyle are a simplification but there is a reason to have them. Studies have shown that improving one habit starts changing everything. Changing habits in different parts of your daily routine adjusts your thinking about everything related to those habits.

  1. Drink More Water. Our body is 70% water when hydrated. Every system needs more water. Our blood circulation, digestion, brain function, kidney function, and energy. We should drink no less than half our body weight in water ounces per day. A 200-pound person drinks 100 oz.
  2. Exercise Each Day. Just like water, exercise affects every system in your body. Exercise flushes out inflammation. It causes muscles to add receptors to accept glucose (builds stamina, reduces fat stores). It energizes the brain. It builds the cardiovascular system and heart health.
  3. Intermittent Fasting. Focusing on a healthy diet is crucial for health, but maintaining weight is the best precursor to good health and the number one prevention for chronic disease, stroke, and heart attacks. When you start focusing on eating in windows, you will focus on what you are eating.
  4. Tackle the Difficult Problems First. Most people have the most energy in the morning and are most creative in the morning. The reason is our nervous system is relaxed and we have more resilience for difficulties. This may have you focus on sleep and going to bed earlier. The earlier we rise, generally the better our energy.
  5. Work in Blocks of Time. At the end of the day, if we haven’t gotten the tasks that move us closer to our goals accomplished we have missed the opportunity to have a meaningful day. It is too easy to wind up frustrated or burnt out. Focus on accomplishing the most important tasks for your life.
  6. Be Sure You Spend Time on One Passion. Passions fuel us and make us feel our life is on purpose. They are often the definition of who we are. We live for our passions. Passions overcome all obstacles and are the best path to feeling successful.

Once we get a few “keystone” habits in place our whole life can change. Find yours and make them the cornerstone/foundation of every day.

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Read a good book on changing your lifestyle with weight loss, building strength, gaining flexibility, and aerobic fitness. The 3 Week Plan

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Read the The Good Life Plan How to set your priorities and create a fulfilling life. Available on Amazon in E-Book $2.99 or Paperback $6.95

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