Does Spirituality Support Achievement

does spirituality support achievement

A person that doesn’t consider themselves spiritual might not wonder Does Spirituality Support Achievement. A person who is spiritual knows it can be the main ingredient for work life balance.

How do perspectives differ between spiritual and non spiritual and maybe religious people? A non spiritual person would feel that their progress and life depends on themselves and there are few outside factors that could contribute to their welfare.

Are We A Part of a Bigger Picture or All Alone?

A spiritual person sees themselves as part of a matrix that is one small part of all the pieces that make the universe. They may feel at one with all things giving them the support of all the energies that are available with spirit. Spirituality can make a person more positive and optimistic because they believe that life is good and they have the opportunity to reach greater potential harnessing all the energies of the spirit world.

Spiritual people tend to be not as trounced by set backs because they have a greater belief that everything is as it should be and that they are not the victims of any conspiricies or bad luck. They believe that they can overcome set backs because they are rarely personal but part of the ongoing struggles faced by all life.

A not spiritual person feels they are going it alone. A religious person has the support of their beliefs and feels that a higher power is looking over and protecting them. The spiritual person looks more inside for their support while the religious person looks to the external for support.

Spiritual People Feel They Have Back Up in Life

A spiritual person is more likely to believe in themselves in all matters. A person that is not spiritual might vary in their feeling of support based on what is happening in their lives. They may think more in terms of good and bad luck or good and bad breaks. The spiritual person looks for alignment with existing forces including health, relationships, karma, and connection.

The spiritual person can feel connected and seeks connection with all things and others, but basically with their own spirit. The non spiritual person may see themselves as more of a cowboy out on the range depending only on themselves.

A spiritual person may be more content with peace, quiet, solitude, and inactivity. They know their being enjoys rest. A non spiritual person may need stimulus to feel good as he is more reactive to what is happening than what is not happening. A non spiritual person is more likely to engage in self-destructive habits because they have no connection to how their body and health are at one with Nature.

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