Productivity vs Free Time
Are workers faced with the constant dilemma of Productivity vs Free Time? As workers change jobs more frequently and look to change jobs, what are the priorities they are seeking? Some want more opportunity, some more money, and others more discretionary time.
Gone are the past days when workers stayed with a company for life. Now employers seek to retain valuable workers and offer many incentives including higher pay, health plans, training opportunities, and more discretionary time.
Creating Time Blocks without Interruption
One way a worker can find more satisfaction with their days is working in time blocks where they can bar interruptions. Interruptions and distractions prevent workers from getting into flow and feeling they are working at their optimum. Too many emails, meetings, interruptions, and urgent events create stress and job dissatisfaction.
Productivity comes from quality time working on important goals or problems. Workers should use their highest energy periods for the the issues requiring the most creativity. Are these time blocks better achieved at home before the worker leaves for the office or has to get online?
Creating Lives that Meet Expectations
Creating days that live up to expectations requires planning. There should be the opportunity to spend meaningful time for both productivity and free time. Free time can be pursuing passions. Free time could be exercise or relaxation that support productivity. The ability to satisfy personal expectations creates greater productivity rather than less.
If workers are allowed to enjoy personal goals, they become more loyal and supportive of company missions. They become more cooperative and collaborative. They are likely to explore ways to make their career at one company more productive for themselves and the employer.
Employers and Workers Collaborate on Job Satisfaction
Employers should work with their people to evaluate what makes workers days feel valuable. How can the worker be allowed to plan their time to support their life goals? How can time blocks be created to allow them to find satisfaction in their work? What are the distractions at work that could be minimized to create more job satisfaction?
It benefits an organization to evaluate its mission in terms of creating worker job satisfaction in order to better achieve the mission. Workers that are satisfied are more productive and loyal. Job turn over is reduced and team play is enhanced.
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Read my new book Self-Leadership. It is about time management and how to create a life that is meaningful to you and will make you more productive and employable at the same time. Available on Amazon. E-Book for $2.99. Paperback for $6.95
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Read the The Good Life Plan How to set your priorities and create a fulfilling life. Available on Amazon in E-Book $2.99 or Paperback $6.95