Why Personal Growth is Your Most Important Goal

personal growth is happiness

Personal Growth is Your Most Important Goal because it is one of the few things you can control that will improve your life. Reading the news each day is a testament that no one is in control of the wild confluence of circumstances that are raining down on our heads. It would be good to run if there was a safe place to go.

Who we are becomes more important with the uncertainty. People want to know they can trust us and that we are 100% committed to doing our best work. We must get behind that commitment with improving who we are on a consistent basis.

Growth is Happiness

Growth is also our happiest state so we are not the loser in this scenario. We can grow through uncertainty and change and be better on the other side. What is it we need to learn? What do we have to do to get in optimum health? What can we do for the optimum contribution with our skills and knowledge?

This is a time for personal leadership and we can lead by example. We can be optimistic, caring, empathetic, and kind. We can bring to each situation a maturity and understanding that we are available to help and will contribute our abilities.

In the background, we are working on achieving our personal goals and the intention of helping others to do the same. Everyone in our circles will benefit from a growing “us”. They will follow our lead as we pay it forward to their benefit.

Overcome the Environment

There is a lot of bifurcation in the environment right now about what is best and who should get the benefits. We are divided in politics, religion, gender, racial, and social beliefs. We see each other as different from others. It has been said there are wise people and fools. The fools see the differences.

Our personal growth is our spiritual belief that we were meant to be here and we can reach our highest potential through self-actualization. This is the natural order of life. Species that survive evolve by learning the most about how to adapt and thrive.

The brain can guide us by how it reacts to our behaviors. When we grow, it stimulates happiness hormones and neurotransmitters to encourage us continuing and support our efforts. When we are stagnant, it produces cortisol to make us worry about our survival. Are you in a state of positivity or negativity? These are the states of growth and stagnation/boredom.

Growth develops resilience which is needed in abundance these days. There is resistance to success and lots of obstacles. Passionate pursuit of our goals gets us through the obstacles and closer to the success we desire. It doesn’t have to be accomplished in a day. Growth habits and routines can take us through a lifetime and like compound interest, the results will be amazing.

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