Is Job Hunting More Important than Life Hunting?

job hunting vs life hunting

We have choices of how to spend our time in our lives. We have to consider earning money to pay for our living expenses and we have to consider if we are living our purpose to achieve the happiness and fulfillment we expect in life. Job Hunting can be a form of Life Hunting.

Every day people are making choices about how they want to live their lives. Some are fully invested in their careers. Others are saying there is more to life than working. In between there are a lot of choices. Do we double down on our careers? Do we look to work remotely so we can live in different places and enjoy different experiences? Do we become vagabonds by taking off to see the world or starting our own business?

Why Do We Change Jobs?

People change jobs for a number of reason. Their life might revolve around how happy they are at work. This is normal. They might be evaluating their opportunities to learn or get promoted. They may evaluate their quality of life working vs the money they are receiving. Their is a tipping point where someone may think their income is not worth sacrificing their quality of life.

Is this decision point based on the amount of money received or the free time or the feeling they are at a dead end? Is there a feeling they are not living their purpose or discovering who they are because the work or environment is too stifling?

Where do we balance the life we want to live with the work we are doing? This is often called work life balance. It might also depend on whether we are trying to max our income or trying to find our purpose. How do the scales tip with these two goals?

Do We Have a Primary Goal?

Is happiness our primary goal? Is rising to the top our primary goal? Is earning enough money to buy something or have a certain lifestyle our primary goal? Can we have all three? There is one solution that might deliver all three and most workers subconsciously understand it. This solution is to find work for which we have a passion.

Being passionate about our work checks off a number of boxes. We feel we are fulfilling our purpose. We will optimize our opportunities. Nothing is holding us back. Are we making enough money? Do we care? Are we getting more free time? Do we care? Is our lifestyle and purposeful work now one?

Is Passion for Our Work a Goal?

Pursuing work that makes us passionate checks off all these boxes. Do we want work to be central to our lives? This creates a whole new ball park. Now what? Now we have to find the work that is most tolerable and allows us to fulfill our other objectives that we rank higher.

Now what are our objectives? Enough money to sustain the lifestyle we want to live? Enough free time to allow the lifestyle we want to live? The support we need from employers or family to live our lifestyle? The location or environment we need? Now are we seeking the work that best fits into the whole picture?

These are good questions for guiding us in our quest for selecting the work that matches our goals or selecting the work that best supports our non work objectives.

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Is Job Hunting More Important than Life Hunting?

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